New feature * AD2000 changeover support RTC 1999/12/31 23:59:59 -> 2000/01/01 00:00:00 supported * Added CAT control timing tuning for ICOM IC-821 IC-821 New released in the market has different CAT timing from ICOM IC-820/970. Minor wait timing was introduced for ICOM CAT control. * Introduced Rotator error timeout value In main menu 6-4, you can configure the timeout time value for rotator error. In most cases, 120 seconds will be okay. If your rotator needs more time to turn from 0 to 360(AZ) or 0 to 180(EL), reconfigure the value. These values are also configurable from STATION.DAT file. Set rotor smoke protection ? [Y/N] y Timeout value for rotator error [sec] : 120 <= Auto recovery time from error mode [1-61 min] : 61 <=(*)